Full Body Spa Massage

Essential Oil uses for Spa and Relaxation

Essential Oil uses for Spa and Relaxation

Essential Oil uses for Spa and Relaxation

Spa and massage experience by promoting relaxation, relieving stress, and creating a calming atmosphere. Here are some popular essential oils and their uses for spa and relaxation purposes:

Improve Sleep

Lavender oil massage can alleviate insomnia. Sprinke a few drops on your pillow to help you fall asleep.

Body Butter Lotion

Mix coconut oil, shea butter, magnesium oil, and essential oils for moisturizing body massage lotion.

Homemade Lip Balm

Combine coconut oil, Beeswax and lavender oil for an amazing healing balm for chapped lips.

Relieve Tension

Help to relieve anxiety by using a single drop of lavender oil on your hands, rub together, and cup your hands to your nose and let the smell flood your senses.

Massage Therapy

Use a few drops of cedarwood or lavender oil, mixed with an unscented lotion during a relaxation massage.

Immediate Relaxation

Apply 2-4 drops lavender and peppermint essential oil to the temples for a cooling effect and immediate relaxation.

Detox Bath

Mix lavender oil, epsom salts and sea salt to a warn bath to cleanse and rejuvenate body.

Sauna Therapy

Add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil into 2 cups of water in a sauna.

Calm Upset Child

Help sooth and clam children by adding lavender or chamomile to their stuffed animals.

Foot Bath

Add a few drops in a large bowl of warm water, lemon or eucalyptus oil work great.

Improve Depression

To boost mood and relieve depression, add rose oil to baths, inhalations, and diffusers to improve mood.

Yoga and Pilates

To relax during yoga or meditation, inhale lavender or sandalwood before ciass. also, mix clove and citrus essential oil t0 clean yoga mats.

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